Sunday, 6 March 2011

Magic Circle

We call a magic circle the place where a game is being played. It is defined by the people or the players, the exact moment of time when we play the game and the rules a certain game has. We must have a look at each part of the Magic Circle separately.
  • Time
     The Magic Circle is only valid during the period one a game is being played. During this time the players have to stick to certain rules or behave in a certain way depending on the game which may not be appropriate out of the magic circle.

    • Rules       
      Every game has its rules. When we play one game, we have to know what the rules are, what is permitted and what is not. Every magic circle has different rules because every game has its own rules. For example, if you play football, you are not allowed to touch the ball with your hands, whereas in a basketball game, the players have to use only their hands.
  • Players
    Every player in the magic circle is a little part of it. Everyone has his function and plays a certain role. There is no scenario but the rules determine how the game would continue and would happen next. What is more, all the players share the same feeling of participation in something, the togetherness and the feeling of doing something we like with people who like it, too.

    When we start playing a game, we create a little world where we are actors and have to act for a particular period, in particular place and in a particular way no matter if it is a board game, a video game or a field game.We should enjoy our time spent with the other participants within the Magic Circle of the game and never forget it is just a game, when it is over, we can back to real live.


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