Since we live in Western countries, we used to thing that the technologies, for example Television set, radio, phone, computer, the Internet, are something normal for a everyday life and we are so addicted to them that we can imagine a simple day without using a certain kind of technology. For a countries from the Eastern part of the world, or in other words the developing countries, such technological innovations are not so familiar and even something useless.
There are cultural differences between people all over the world and that is why different people adopt different technologies in various ways. Some more quickly than the others, some more easily and willingly learn how to use the new generation high technologies. Of course, we can expect from somebody, who hasn’t used a phone in his/her life, to start using the last IPhone for example. It is a time-consuming process which sometimes troubles people’s life more than it helps it.
We live in a new, globalised world. Because of the that globalisation there are certain brands such as McDonald's, Starbucks or Coca-Cola that try to expand their franchise along the whole world. In this way the spread their ideas, ideology and culture all over the world. That company politics may lead to a loss of cultural identity in the small and not so rich countries.
During 1970s the governments in some developing countries tried to base their farming on machines and chemicals. Unfortunately, most of the tractors broke down and there was a rise in the chemicals’s price which led to famine and despair. Since the farmers haven’t used such technologies before, they couldn’t even maintain them.
Another example that people can’t live without the latest technology is the Estonia’s first online national elections in 2007. From population of half a million, only 30,000 people could vote from their homes. They were well-off people from the elite, who could get even more power because they were able to get involved in the elections. In that way the voice of the ordinary citizens was not heard and neglected.
We cannot deny that technology is part of our lives and cannot stop the progress and the technological advance in that area , but also should be aware of the fact that people have lived happily centuries before the electricity and technologies.
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